This funding allows us to seek researchers to fill research vacancies at IT Carlow in Carlow, Ireland in the multidisciplinary areas of measurement, sensors, data science, applied materials and machine learning. The research is in the areas related to the development of sustainable environmental controls for application in currently active Large Patrol Vessel (LPV) and Coastal Patrol Vessels (CPV).
Details of the posts can be found by entering the vacancy ID below into the IT Carlow Vacancies page.
I am looking for a potential Postgraduate Researcher interested in machine learning, digital twins, and energy efficiency for a President’s Research Fellowship Scholarship position based at the Institute of Technology Carlow, Carlow, Ireland.
My PhD thesis is now available in the online open-sourced Trinity’s Access to Research Archive (TARA) and physically in the Trinity College Dublin library. You can read the online version from TARA or the School of Computer Science and Statistics repositories.
Physical and Online Copies of PhD Thesis now Available
And a big, big thanks for the love and support of lab mates, friends and family. And most of all I couldn’t have done it without the support of my wife Michelle, and kids Toby and Zara.
I’m delighted to announce that the book “Many-Core Computing: Hardware and Software” has been published today by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). I, along with Dr. Andrew Anderson, Dr. YuanWen, Barbara Barabasz, Kaveena Persand, Dr. Aravind Vasudevan, and Dr. David Gregg have written chapter 6 entitled “Hardware and software performance in deep learning”.
Go on, treat yourselves, and rush out and get a copy from the IET web site (local link on my Publications page) and tell all your friends and family too!
If I still have your attention, here’s the publisher’s official description: “Computing has moved away from a focus on performance-centric serial computation, instead towards energy-efficient parallel computation. This provides continued performance increases without increasing clock frequencies, and overcomes the thermal and power limitations of the dark-silicon era. As the number of parallel cores increases, we transition into the many-core computing era. There is considerable interest in developing methods, tools, architectures and applications to support many-core computing. The primary aim of this edited book is to provide a timely and coherent account of the recent advances in many-core computing research. Starting with programming models, operating systems and their applications; the authors present runtime management techniques, followed by system modelling, verification and testing methods, and architectures and systems. The book ends with some examples of innovative applications. “
Lots of interest and very good questions from the audience and the session chair Luca Fanucci (Università di Pisa @Unipisa). Thoroughly enjoyed it. #HiPEAC19#hipeac2019